Jackson – New Hampshire

After a stormy night in Manchester we started our way to Jackson in New Hampshire. It was a cloudy day and we chose to try to find all the cover bridges on our trip to Jackson. The cover bridges are fantastic and the architects of them made a great job letting the people enjoy of their greatest creations.

Jackson has at the entrance of the town a fantastic cover bridge where the just married couples used to take pictures there.

We stayed at The Christmas Farm Inn, a lovely hotel that just has new managers; we have a fantastic two days there. The bed is huge and the Jacuzzi too!!

The first night we had dinner at Thompson House Eatery, where I recommend that you should star with the “Zorba the grape”, what a fabulous flavors. That night we meet with a fantastic couple that told us where places we could visit the next day and they discover to us a great wine made with Zinfandel grapes, “Klinker Brick”.

Our hiking was, “Nancy Brook Trail”. What lucky we were, the weather was great and the reward when you finish your ascension is marvelous as you can see at the picture.

Before reach this fantastic point you should had experimented a lot of good sensations watching the fauna and flora on your ascension as well you should had suppressed your desire of jump at Nancy water fall.

The second night we followed this couple advice we had dinner at White Mountain Cider Co, the restaurant is an old farm, decorated with a great taste and the most important issue, the food is spectacular. I recommend you to order “Basil & Garlic marinated Tomatoes”, Balsamic Reduction & Warm Goat Chesse Fondue, it’s a great idea to eat baby tomatoes.

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